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What would Brian Bevan say is honoured by the presence of the BBC’s Mr Rugby League, Dave Woods. Strap in for a marathon podcast, as Dave discusses his endurance rowing achievement and his feeble pet guinea pig he keeps in his garage that he’s trying to Mirror into a fine physical specimen. We discuss Dave’s road to journalism – and Lincolnshire – but more importantly we discover the difference between catering at a 21st birthday party and a 25 year wedding anniversary bash. But the beatings don’t stop there, as a lanky Kangaroo fullback is slayed by Welsh-side-step-wizardry and a man the size of Sampson. Dennis looks for a forward for his new RL cookbook, but will Dave save Dennis’ bacon? Sam’s Statistics are undermined by a Locker Cup programme. And just what colour would you paint Dave’s genitals with the choice of only two Airfix paints? Enjoy and please stay safe.

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